Tuesday, June 15, 2010

As time drew near for us to leave for Colorado we were waiting to see if the Lord would provide enough support for us to fly or to drive.

Days before we left we had just enough money to drive.

Excited to see what the Lord had planned we packed up and began our drive Thursday night. About half way through our trip to Colorado it we realized that our gas milage was not as good as we thought and the trip was going to be more expensive than we had the money for. So we prayed, trusted God and kept on going. Once in Colorado it got hot, and our airconditioning was not working. by afternoon we couldn't keep Neva cool enough and we needed to stop. By this time we were in Grand Junction Colorado. We stopped at the first hotel we saw and it ended up that it was going to cost us $150.00 to stay there for the night. We needed to stop, so we tried to figure out how we could work it into our budget.

Neva was lathargic and red faced when we got her out of the car. Once we got into our airconditioned room she came to life. It made me (Leslie) so happy to see her crawling around laughing and playing. We made the right decision.

So we went and got food, came back to our room and we were all in bed by 5pm and didn't get up till 8am the next morning!! So good!!

When we got up the next morning and began to pack we recieved a text that some friends of ours were going to support us for $250.00!! This would cover the room and we would later figure out that the extra amount was just enough to cover the extra cost of gas to get us all the way back to Sisters!!

Praise the Lord, he didn't give more or less than what we needed, he gave us just enough.

Thank you Lord.

1 comment:

Jenni Burke said...

Wow, so cool to hear how God provided just enough at just the right time. Thanks for sharing your story of his faithfulness with us!