Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cooking at the Acadamey

So we thought that we would be a little adventurous and try a local breakfast. We went to the local market and found ProNutra. It is supposed to be a hot cereal like malto meal, but it turned into a kind of paste and tased like card board. We would not reccommend it.
One night Ben (another staff) cooked a meal for us from a recipe his mom sent him and it was spectacular. The dish was tye and had a great peanut ginger sauce.
Another night Dwight ( the psychologist who came to talk about anger and forgiveness) took us out to dinner at a local seafood place. While there we had this wonderful South African desert, I can't remember what it was called, but it was fantastic. It was a small chocolate cake saturated in a toffee syrup. It just melted in your mouth.

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